Tinctures (alcohol extracts) are a very resource efficient, highly absorbable, and shelf stable medium for medicinal herbs. One of the drawbacks for many people is that they tend to be quite expensive. For the same price as a 4 ounce tincture at the store, you will leave this class with more than four ounces of tincture of your own making. We'll learn the difference between tincturing dry herbs and fresh. We'll also discuss glycerites, an alcohol free alternative to tinctures, and this option will be available for anyone who needs it. It will be early in the season but we'll hopefully have some fresh herbs that are ready to be harvested, from the garden and if not, there will be various options of dry herbs to work with. You will also gain the skills to continue making these extracts, and deepen your relationship with your medicine. To support young people in learning these skills and, anyone ages 13-22 can take these classes for 1/2 price ($25 per class or $100 for all 5)